Jumat, 21 September 2012



Hari ini saya ngepost materi diluar dari pelajaran kejuruan saya.  karna Blog saya bersifat Universal ^,^ saya akan mengepost sedikit informasi tentang Hobi saya yaitu 'Breakdance' baru 1 minggu yg lalu saya surfing artikel tentang 'breakdance' dan saya mendapatkan artikel tentang info info terbaru event 'breakdance' diluar negeri. dan event yg satu ini event termansyur dikalangan komunitas 'breakdance' kami. kalo mau tau atau sekedar cukup tau tentang artikel saya langsung aja diliat @mipursensei
*bisa pake google translate kalo gak ngerti

Last weekend one of the greatest Hip Hop festivals in the world, if not the greatest, set its mark once again proving to be more than just an experience for most. IBE, aka International Breakdance Event, is known for bringing together all elements and people of the Hip Hop culture yet its foundation is based off element of dance! Every year, IBE brings something new to the table that surprises people whether its done on or off the dance floor. People from every corner of the world come to experience the festival and all the talent that exists among Hip Hop heads.
I remember the first video I saw of IBE was in 2005 when Salah battled Loic in the Finals. It was one of the most influential videos that inspired me to continue dancing and to this day I have always dreamed of going to IBE. Well I may not have been able to go myself but our representative and journalist, Stefani, in the Netherlands was able to attend this last weekend. Here’s what Stefani said, “BIG SHOUT OUT AND MUCH LOVE to the organization of The Notorious IBE Fanpage. You did an amazing job once again! Special thank you to Tyrone DJ Mr Tee, Paul van Dal for your hospitality.
We are grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this iconic festival ! Stay tuned for our impression!”
So look at for more coming from Stefani and her coverage of IBE. Until then we compiled some videos we found that will hopefully inspire you to continue growing in your dancing and maybe dreams of going to IBE 2013.
UPDATE: After receiving a very long email from Stefani in the Netherlands, it sounds like IBE wasn’t just a festival but a life changing experience. Our connections to dancers from around the world will not only help expose what dance really means to them but will help inspire those we will share this footage with. Make sure to keep an eye for some amazing interviews, footage, and recaps from IBE 2012.